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Hello Brookswood and Happy Spring to you. Here is an April 2022 blog update.

Good day Brookswood! 

Well we are now into the Spring Market here in BC. The real estate market is still very active although we have seen some variance in pricing and sales overall there has been little change in these. However, we have seen more listings and therefore more competition among Sellers but it is still a Seller's Market. With more homes available for sale we just aren't seeing the crazy multiple offers we saw a few months ago. So instead of 7 or more offers on offer day, we might see two or in some cases none as buyers weigh their options and look to get in under the asking price. 

What does this mean? Well for the Seller we have to be pricing the home at market value. Of course, this begs the question of what is market value? Well, as a professional real estate agent I will look at a number of factors that are comparable to the homes that sold over the last 60 days. For example size, area, age of the home and whether or not it has been updated. And also what is the competition like in the area we are selling in? Are there 2 places available or are there 20 places available and what are they asking in terms of pricing. If you are thinking about selling want to know how much your home is worth today then call me first for an evaluation of your property and we can discuss what I will do to market your home for all it's worth. 

For the Buyer, right now I am seeing homes sell with subject conditions like financing and inspections that we didn't see get accepted a few months ago. The key is making sure the buyer is qualified and ready to go. If you are thinking about Buying as a first time buyer or a seasoned investor then let me know and we can discuss a strategy that will work for you.    

THIS ENTRY WAS POSTED ON April 7th, 2022 BY Michael Cosburn | POSTED IN General ,